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September 2021 Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2021


Meeting began at 7:05 pm

Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Paul Brooks, Patrisha Dobbins, Jackie Griffin

Guests: Robert Rives, Brian Treat, Ryan & Brittany Wiebe, Chris & Coleen Mathis, Evan Wimmler

Approval of Minutes:

No July meeting held

Administrator Report:

Per Email:

There are several bills showing past due, please review (discussed). I finally got liens officially filed, so there are charges for filing in the amount of $96.00 as well as mailing of letters to members in the amount of $28.00, 4 liens filed and mailed. (member was charged for these fees).

Two items were returned as undeliverable, I have sent them to Lori if anyone would like to try to take the documents to the actual property.

I got one joinder signed lot 174 this month so we are down to 18 non members in the subdivision.

Outstanding dues balance as of August 31st is $9,093.20, for 2021 the balance outstanding is $3855.00.

We will need to start discussion on expiring board member positions, the annual letter and goa

ls for 2022.


See financial report for details:

Checking $4705.61

Money Market $45705.13

Total: $50410.74 as of 8/31/2021

Per Lori’s request, Jackie motions to transfer $3,000 to checking account to cover expenses, and to approve Lori to continue to sign checks.

Patrisha seconds, approved.



Had to trash 15 loungers, 2 chairs and 4 umbrellas. Will definitely need to budget for more pool furniture next year.

Discussed plan to get bids to repair pool lights, appears that mower ran over electric box? Wires exposed.


Patrisha – Lee’s Summit Rd entrance has been updated and renovated as previously discussed and approved. No new plants. Brummel suggests trimming those trees soon.

Little Blue entrance was way more overgrown than Brummel initially planned for. They proposed killing all plants and doing river rock and boulders for decoration since no water source is available. This is more money than originally budgeted, all agreed that update was due and approved the increased bid.

Guest Robert Rives suggested to keep in mind that LS road construction underway which may impact entrance/monument in the near future.

Much discussion regarding at least annual maintenance of monuments. They’ve gone years without proper upkeep.

Architectural Review Committee:

No update

Guest Robert Rives: Dave has raised the poll regarding sheds/outbuildings in consideration of updating restrictions. He would be in favor of attached sheds, well maintained, painted same color as home, roofing etc. Opposed to free-standing sheds that are poorly maintained.

Discussed face that KCPD raised residency restrictions and they may be leaving the neighborhood. Have seen increase in rental properties, which have potential to not be well-maintained. Would not want a rental property with detached sheds and not well taken care of.

List of properties provided with multiple curb appeal issues:

15919 E 78th St – at the entrance, rotting paint, overall poor upkeep for years

7605 Breckenridge – unapproved paint colors, project not completed in 2 years (nonmembers)

16104 E 76th St – paint colors not approved by ARC

15920 E 77th Terr – belt holding fence together so it doesn’t fall

Multiple examples discussed: ARC should be more proactive in enforcing restrictions. Consider consulting with attorneys regarding realistic approach and legal authority. Maybe warning letter from SWPOA, followed by letter from attorney with threat, followed by letter from attorney with a fine if issue unresolved in specified amount of time.


Pool phone number 816-214-5234

Discussed possibility of Fall Festival combined with movie night? Hayride, fire pits, s’mores and outdoor movie. Lori and Jessie to explore.

Old Business:

Ryan Wiebe: Playground project. Presented very thorough proposal that covers multiple aspects of project, including: permit costs, contractors, equipment, installation, fence, mulch, insurance increase etc. Ryan is willing to lead this project but feels as though proposal may continue to be delayed. He has attached detailed budget comparisons that seem reasonable and affordable. Comparisons include funding based on current dues and possibility of a loan. Keeping in mind expensive pool costs that may arise.

Ryan agrees to check with city zoning, planning/development to see what the next step would be.

Would like a voting decision by end of year.

New Business:

Guest Brian Treat: Raised concern of poor rainfall drainage on his block. Provides photos/videos of heaving water flowing downhill from the block, affecting multiple adjacent properties. States water damage is apparent based on wear of fences and yards. He has spoken with neighbors who would like to all contribute to proper drainage and is requesting that SWPOA consider contributing as well.

Lengthy discussion that issue ultimately seems like developer problem. However, since this is affecting private properties, not sure it is appropriate for SWPOA to assist with costs. What if there are other areas of the neighborhood with the same issues? Are we responsible for assisting them too? Brian would like to get bids from contractors for cost to remove fences and install proper french drains down the block.


8:28 – Paul motion to adjourn, Patrisha seconds


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