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August 2020 Meeting Minutes


Virtual Meeting began at 7:00pm

Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Dave Reyburn, Lori Meadors, Paul Brooks, Jackie Griffin, Crystal Page, Patrisha Dobbins

Guests: Preston Pruett, Sarah Bruhn

Approval of Minutes:

July Minutes approved without changes

Administrator Report:

Vanessa has a new joinder to be filed (from last month)

Currently 24 non-members

9 re-platted members – Vanessa to them re: joinders

Outstanding dues from August 2019 = $9,124.60

Outstanding dues August 2020 = $7,584.60

Steve received mail from Secretary of State for renewal. This was last filed in 2017. Steve to contact attorney to file and pay for 2 years.


See financial report for checking and money market total balances.

Spectrum will not change their price, will continue to charge $126.97 monthly

Given pandemic situation with county stay-at-home orders, all in favor for Lori to continue to sign checks in order to pay bills on time.


Plan for doggy pool party on 9/13

Pool closing on 9/14.

Approval for replacing baby pool valve per Elite recommendations

Dave contacted Google Fiber, they have agreed to re-evaluate if service to pool is an option.

Dave attempted to clarify with USPS regarding address. Will contact fire dept and continue to look into issue with address discrepancies. Per Lori, KCP&L service is for 16303 E 77th Terrace.


Steve to contact Mike Perne to pull weeds at entrance. Mike Marra has not yet adjusted sprinklers, as they don’t appear to be reaching landscape.

Architectural Review Committee:

No Update


Pool phone number 816-214-5234

Bordner event postponed for this season.

Lori to organize Fall Party later

Dog day at the pool on 9/13

Jackie to promote a Fall Garage Sale on 9/12

Old Business:

Secretary of State – 2 year renewal

New Business:

Jackie proposing “Welcome Committee” for new neighbors. Agrees to get some ideas together for welcome basket of info. Crystal suggests including details re: ARC process, forms and where to find them. Social media pages, and pool key info.


7:43 – Jessie motion to adjourn, Crystal seconds


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