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June 2020 Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2020


Virtual Meeting began at 7:09pm

Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Dave Reyburn, Lori Meadors, Paul Brooks, Patrisha Dobbins, Jackie Griffin, Crystal Page

Approval of Minutes:

Dave motion to approve, 2nd by Lori

May minutes approved

Paul as VP to run meeting as Steve will join late

Administrator Report:

Outstanding dues:

June 2019 - $11,704.60 outstanding

June 2020 - $10,523.60 outstanding

2 home still owe >$1000

19 non-members

Insurance went up, fees from rewriting policy?

Accountant – having poor response from current accountant, although fees were only $100/year. Discussion re: getting a new one. Vanessa has one in mind, minimum $250/year. Dave motions to move forward with new CPA with expenses not to exceed $300, Crystal seconds.

Vanessa will contact CPA to discuss and keep us posted re: filing taxes.


See financial report – checking and money market acct total $56,634.34

Given pandemic situation with county stay-at-home orders, all in favor for Lori to sign checks in order to pay bills on time


Shout Out to all the neighbors who showed up to help clean up landscaping around the pool area. Lori suggests offering gift cards, as a thank you to those who are not on the board, but showed up to help anyway! Steve motioned to purchase $25 gift card to Poppy’s Ice Cream for the volunteers, Michelle Russell and Sarah Lovette (Sarah’s daughter was also a big help). Jackie seconds Steve’s motion.

Incident with power switch manually turned off, pool was shut down for a day while we investigated the issue. Dave found that there is a power switch in a box that isn’t locked. Dave recommends locking box.

Dave to install hand sanitizer by emergency phone.

No pool furniture out, will see how the pool season goes, can reassess later.

Discussed suggestion for early hours at the pool for seniors/high risk swimmers. Decided that it’s too hard to regulate/enforce. Timing also conflicts with Elite cleaning hours.

Discussion re: replacement of several pool keys for neighbors, charging $25 fee with no refunds should cards be found.

Bordner would like to host another pool event, no opposing opinions. Jessie to coordinate with Bordner.


Lori has not followed up. No updates.

Vanessa attempted to contact “Down to Earth” company, no response to email.

Architectural Review Committee:

Dave is receiving several applications, all of which seem to increase aesthetic appeal and thus increase property values.

Showed pics of home with recently installed solar panels, they look nice.

Steve has much interest in installation of solar panels on pool house. Discussion of which side of the house they face, takes roughly 16yrs to break even. Unknown amount of maintenance involved with them. Is it possible to get evergy credit?


Pool phone number 816-214-5234

Many compliments from neighbors regarding successful garage sale weekend! Thanks to Jackie for promoting and having banners made!

Lori to organize Fourth of July Parade and ice cream truck for June 27th

Crystal has old SWPOA signs, would like to get updated fresh-looking signs with corrected website printed on them. Vanessa knows which company we used, she will look into cost of replacements.

Old Business:

New Business:

Jessie requesting reimbursement for printer ink, due to many pages being used for HOA purposes. Crystal motions to approve request for ink cartridges, Patrisha seconds.


8:02 – Dave motion to adjourn, Crystal seconds

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