September 2019 Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2019
Meeting began at 7:02pm
Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Lori Meadors, Vanessa King, Dave Reyburn, Don Roberts, Paul Brooks
Guests: Sue Rovalcaba, Cliff Day, Marvin & Michelle Russell
Approval of Minutes:
Dave motion to approve, Lori seconds. Minutes approved.
Administrator Report:
Vanessa King, Radell Oakman and Robert Rives attended the PIAC meeting. Were informed that our neighborhood is not high priority for sidewalk/curb maintenance but encouraged persistence.
Lot 188 contacted Jessie regarding concern for need to sign joinder prior to next summer. They agree to sign, Vanessa to contact them. Will send letter to remaining properties affected by this change.
See full report
Checking acct as of 8/30 $21,217.33
Money Market Acct as of 8/30 $22,543.86
Total $43,761.19
Pool closed. Patio furniture stored away.
Discussion re: installation of hydraulic gate that we approved in the 2019 budget, we are still under budget. No opposition to following through with Lock Doctor bid.
Jessie motions to install hydraulic gate for the pool, expense not to exceed $1000. Dave seconds.
Steve is getting bids to repair/redo concrete around pool deck. He will get bids from Elite Pool, Swim things and look for another option.
Dave and Dean working together to research options for pool security cameras.
Question about cost efficiency or lower maintenance to switch to saltwater pool. Jessie will inquire with Elite.
Complaints re: landscape at the LS road entrances. Needs cleaned up; Steve agreed to contact Green Acres to maintain this – unsure if this has been done yet. Would like to see more maintenance, cleanup and seasonal upkeep.
Architectural Review Committee:
Guest Sue Ruvalcaba in attendance to discuss their request to install solar panels on their roof. Much discussion involved as this is not directly addressed in by-laws or restrictions. There is no policy for or against. All in agreeance to check with attorneys and seek legal options.
Dave motion #1 - to seek legal counsel on solar panel topic. Can we establish a policy despite no specifics in by-laws or restrictions? Lori seconds. Approved. Lori to follow up with attorneys, Don agrees to contact neighbors regarding verdict.
Dave motion #2 – Ask legal counsel the best action to take regarding any structural changes restricting unforeseen requests that are not specifically addressed. Lori seconds and will follow up. Approved.
Would like to have issue resolved before October meeting so neighbors may proceed with plans.
Also – In efforts to maintain property values, it was suggested to start sending letters to homes needing upkeep. Letter has been drafted, will bring a copy to next meeting for approval.
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Need to discuss and plan October Fall Fest.
Cliff – was pleased with Lori’s neighbor community survey. Recommends we further discuss this winter and try to have a plan to move forward next year.
Old Business:
New Business:
Guest Marvin Russell – Voices concern over safety and security issues. He lives near west entrance and has noticed open garage doors, prowlers and wanderers. He suggests placing a camera at entrances since we seem to get repeat offenses. No one has been able to provide car descriptions or license plate numbers to police. Has a specific camera suggestion in the $60-ish price range.
Dave motion – to allow static cameras with accessories to mount at west entrance. Cost not to exceed $100. Lori seconds. Approved. Will test this entrance and bring photos to next meeting for discussion.
8:12pm – Adjourn