April 2019 Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2019
Meeting began at 7:02pm
Attendance includes: Steve Chess, Jessie Hayles, Don Roberts, Dave Reyburn
Guests: Heath Lenahan
Approval of Minutes:
Approved March minutes with correction that Crystal was not in attendance for the March meeting.
Administrator/Treasurer Report:
Admin not present, Steve met with administrator earlier today.
Tax documents signed and will be mailed tomorrow. We should be in good standing with no complications. Treasurer report will be emailed.
Pool key distribution has begun. # of tiles broken last year was excessive.
Still plan for spring maintenance with Elite, should begin soon.
Work in progress with cleaning up.
Architectural Review Committee:
:2 basic fence requests received and approved.
Neighbor off Breckenridge in process of painting, no application received.
Don to contact them.
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Easter Egg Hunt planning underway for Saturday April 13th.
No applications received for event sponsors.
Newsletter was sent out last month, consider sending another as reminder for upcoming events/issues.
New Business:
New neighbors at 16000 E 76th Street, Bethany Lager and Nathan Getman, home not member of SWPOA.
Expressed desire to sign joinder and pro-rate dues amt for 2019.
Will have Vanessa follow up with them, as well has Hasan family, as previously discussed.
Steve mentioned contacting Rayna Parks-Shaw as she has been voted into local gov’t, petition to request funding to improve street gutters within our neighborhood.
Steve to draft letter for her.
7:37 - motion to adjourn by Dave, Crystal seconds.