September 2018 Meeting Minutes

Meeting began at 7:03pm
Attendance includes: Vanessa King, Lori Meadors, Steve Chess, Doug McCrary, Don Roberts, Jessie Hayles, Paul Brooks, Sandy Landau
Approval of Minutes:
Approved August minutes.
Administrator/Treasurer Report:
See financial report discussed
All mail was sent the day after last meeting, none of the checks have cleared. Will stop-pay on check #’s 1263-1267, and write new checks for current balances.
MM acct: $22,964.07
Ck acct: $33,1117.47
Total: $56,081.54
Discussion on roles of admin and treasurer. Suggestion to have quarterly administrative business rather than monthly. Table topic for later.
End of year President and Vice President positions will be open. Doug will not continue as board member.
Pool is now closed. Lock Doctor comes tomorrow to install new lock system.
Doug will recycle old computer.
Furniture needs to be stored.
Elite to schedule time to work on removing tile and caulking.
Elite Fence – prior stain bid for $675, Don to call and see if bid still good.
Insurance due – Vanessa will call and see if installation of new lock and cameras would lower premium.
No updates.
Architectural Review Committee:
No updates
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Halloween/Fall Festival needs to be planned.
Need to send out new newsletter
Discussion to consider Christmas gathering with Santa…?
Old Business:
Secretary of State – No status update at this time.
8:00 motion to adjourn made by Paul seconded by Doug