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July 2018 Meeting Minutes


Meeting began at 6:56pm

Attendance includes: Vanessa King, Steve Chess, Doug McCrary, Don Roberts, Jessie Hayles, Lori Meadors, Sandy Landau

Approval of Minutes:

Approved June minutes with corrections.

Administrator/Treasurer Report:

See financial report discussed

Lot 1 – SWPOA received bankruptcy letter. Property owes $900 – she is requesting insurance money to go for personal vehicle etc. She had been approached by ARC in April with request to initiate home improvements at which time she submitted a plan for painting and wood rot repair. This has not been done. POA has no recourse since bankruptcy, however she does still violate city code and could be reported to 3-1-1 for complaints.

Board agreed for no further action needed for chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Total outstanding balance for dues is ~ $8,800

QuickBooks accts reconciled to 6/30/18


Discussed plan for new pool, magnetic locking system. Multiple attempts at obtaining another bid, however company not responsive to needs. Agree that Lock Doctor was very responsive and easy to contact.

Doug motion to move forward with Lock Doctor for new key system $5,217.85. Second by Don, all approved.

Will discuss installing cameras next year before pool opening.


Steve concerned that Green Acres doesn’t know how to fix sprinkler issues. Irrigation system was not properly winterized and therefore burst pipe causing leaks. Consider going back to MoKan, as he handled all these issues.

Architectural Review Committee:

7728 Breckenridge – letter sent on 6/5 requesting plan for action.

7732 Breckenridge – trim paint completed

Lot 1 – Has not repaired roof/wood rot as planned on June 1st

16015 Trailridge – Fresh paint, very dark color, no ARC application for color approval. Discuss plan to contact them to make them aware of proper process for approval of home improvement plans.

15920 E. 77th Terrace residence – still has not completed stone-work on front of house. Follow up recommended.


New pool phone number 816-214-5234

Successful pool party and Fourth of July parade.

Lori requesting $50 to purchase a 6ft folding table to utilize at the pool for social events. Approved.

Old Business:

Secretary of State – Legal is working with the accountant to get the state taxes filed for reinstatement. Will possibly have to refile all liens. Vanessa to follow up with Accountant.


8:20 motion to adjourn made by Steve seconded by Doug

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