September 2020 Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2020
Virtual Meeting began at 7:03pm
Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Lori Meadors, Paul Brooks, Jackie Griffin, Patrisha Dobbins
Approval of Minutes:
August Minutes approved as written
Administrator Report:
2 more payments received
17 lots with outstanding dues (only 2 of them >$1000)
Lot 121 is a new member, signed joinder by choice. Did not pay 2020 dues, end of pool season. They agree to pay in full for 2021.
See financial report for details:
Checking $18,956.66
Money Market $31,673.05
Total $50,629.71
Given pandemic situation with limited in-person meetings, all in favor for Lori to continue to sign checks in order to pay bills on time.
Plan for doggy pool party on 9/13
Pool closing on 9/14.
Approval for replacing baby pool valve per Elite recommendations
No update
Architectural Review Committee:
No Update
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Lori to organize Fall Party later
Dog day at the pool on 9/13
Jackie to promote a Fall Garage Sale on 9/12
Old Business:
Dave and Joe to follow up on USPS address, Google Fiber option
Metal signs to Crystal
Dave – updated by-laws/restrictions proposals
New Business:
Annual meeting in November
· Jackie to organize zoom link for meeting
· Vanessa to mail out annual meeting notice
· Would like to include proposed 2021 budget
Paul – motion to have attorneys review restrictions and timeline to in which revisions should be made. Need input on how to implement these changes, and how we can enforce. Paul motioned, Patrisha seconds. All in favor.
Steve agrees to contact attorneys for guidance on how and when to revise restrictions and what authority we have to enforce them.
7:52 – Paul motion to adjourn, Patrisha seconds