May 2021 Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2021
Virtual Meeting began at 7:07 pm
Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Lori Meadors,
Patrisha Dobbins, Jackie Griffin, Dave Reyburn, Joe Folsom
Guests: Preston Pruett, Ryan Wiebe, Matt Rodecap, Daniel Haus, Jana Deshay,
Jennifer Chasser
Approval of Minutes:
April Minutes reviewed. Dave motion to approve, Lori seconds - approved
Administrator Report:
44 lots unpaid
Outstanding balance of $9,283 for 2021
Accountant has taxes, done and filed
Received notice that we are due for backflow test by certified tester – Mike Marra was
waiting for water to be turned back on, should be good to go.
See financial report for details:
Checking $3,149
Money Market $60,226
PO box renewed
Steve inquiring about capital improvement budget. $2700 allocated, not anticipating
large expense of pool decking for this year, but not sure how long we can put it off.
Given pandemic situation with limited in-person meetings, all in favor for Lori to continue
to sign checks in order to pay bills on time.
Lori requesting that all correspondence regarding specific board issues and inquiries be
all-inclusive of the board members for transparency. Concerned that the privacy of
individual emails may cause gaps in communication and create issues.
Last month Jessie was given budget of $3000 for pool bathroom upgrades. However,
termites were discovered in the bathrooms and have since created a bigger issue.
Received bids from exterminators, with option to “spot treat” only problem area for half
the cost. However, they recommend treating both buildings to prevent migration.
Everyone in favor of treating the entire premise ($950). Should last 8-10 years.
Before exterminators will treat (drill into concrete), they need a mapping of underground
plumbing so they don’t drill into pipes. Multiple unsuccessful attempts to obtain
blueprints, building records/permits or plans from the city, county and from previous
board member, Dean Allen. Unable to locate any.
Jessie has arranged a plumber to come out in the morning to map the area ($250).
Broken window in women’s restroom – replacement $458, and will need installation.
Paint bids obtained, will cost $1000
Lori has ordered new signs for the pool area, should be delivered this weekend.
Need new baby pool cover, estimated $1000 expense.
Rocky has filled the pools, hoping for warm weather to raise the water temp!
Will schedule inspection with health dept when he’s ready.
Everyone in agreement for Evan to continue to do chemicals and clean up.
Jessie expressed difficulty in coordinating maintenance contractors in regards to
meeting to let them into the pool gate. The Lock Doctor sells keychain size key fobs for
our lock system, $65/10 pack. They do not sell individually. These can be provided to
pool company, sprinker guy, lawn mowers, plumbers etc.
Lori motion to approve $65 purchase of 10 key fobs for maintenance workers. Dave
seconds, all in favor. Motion approved.
Jessie motions to approve necessary expenses related to termite treatment and
bathroom updates as previously planned. Patrisha seconds, all in favor. Motion
Brief discussion of pros/cons of cameras at the pool. Cost and quality vary widely.
Would it actually deter vandalism? What repercussions? Who would monitor? Etc.
Dave has already done a lot of research, will review and discuss again later. Table idea
for now.
Patrisha has quote from Brummel for $4,789,69 to include two monuments: clean up,
trimming, fabric, edging and river rock. They are booking 60 days out.
Steve voiced concern of price of river rock compared to his research, unsure how
“deep” we should have it. Since we were unable to get bids from other companies, we
have no professional comparison. Jackie states she had her personal flower bed
transitioned to river rock and believes this quoted price is very reasonable compared to
what she paid. All in favor of Patrisha signing contract and scheduling project start
Architectural Review Committee:
2 requests for paint, approved with appropriate colors.
Has reached out on Facebook and email to inquire about neighbors’ opinions on
outbuildings, in preparation for potentially modifying DoR’s in the future. Just letting
neighbors express their thoughts on the subject. No decisions will be made for quite
some time.
Next topic to address will be fences.
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Discussed tentative schedule of social events/activities. Would like to pick dates for a
few so that they can be included in an upcoming newsletter and promoted on website.
Would like to plan various activities including an outdoor movie night, a big pool party,
food truck evening and a coffee/donuts morning. Trying to expand activities to be more
inclusive of different ages/interests.
Patrisha volunteered to take over website duties from Jessie (YAY!!!).
Jackie to promote Neighborhood Garage Sale weekend.
Old Business:
Last month, Ryan Wiebe presented elaborate plans for playground proposal. He has
done much more work to adjust plans to be more budget friendly. Examples include
reducing cost of installation and using wood mulch vs rubber. He estimates cost to be
roughly $55-59k. with approx $1000 annual maintenance for mulch. This price would
include retaining wall, fence, fabric, mulch and playground equipment.
He also contacted the insurance company and states will increase by $715/year.
Discussed options to financially make this work, one-time assessment? Fund-raiser?
Private donations? Grants?
Patrisha explored grant options, which are limited given upper-middle class
neighborhood with many playgrounds within 10-mile radius. However, there may be
some financial assistance for handicap or foster children. May consider reaching out to
neighbors to see if this is a valid option. Still more research to do at this point.
It is very difficult to determine whether this is a feasible project to move forward on given
unknown expense with pool decking, which will be a large/expensive upgrade in the
next few years.
Ryan offered to get some quotes from contractors on cost of resurfacing pool deck. Not
sure whether it is advised to resurface the entire deck at once? Or only sections in bad
condition. This may help determine if and how to move forward with playground plans.
Seems financially doable without the large expense of resurfacing the pool.
New Business:
Steve mentioned trying to find a new place to have in-person meetings as long as no
one is opposed. Will explore the new Mid-Continent Library as they have meeting
rooms available and are scheduled to open soon. May consider moving monthly
meetings there in the future given unknown status of TMC availability due to COVID.
8:45 – Dave motion to adjourn, Jackie seconds