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June 2021 Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2021


Virtual Meeting began at 7:04 pm

Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Lori Meadors, Dave Reyburn, Joe Folsom, Paul Brooks

Approval of Minutes:

May Minutes reviewed and approved

Administrator Report:

Delayed payments for dues are inconvenient. Vanessa suggests setting a deadline or delaying pool key activation to encourage timely payments. Extra work for us when pool opens and suddenly everyone wants immediate access to pool.


See financial report for details:

Checking $2,867.31

Money Market $61,552.81

Total: $64,420.12

Increased expenses due to bathroom updates including: termite treatment, new bathroom partitions, painting, plumbing issues and pool signs.

Lori motions to transfer $10k to cover bills, Paul seconds, motion approved.

Given pandemic situation with limited in-person meetings, all in favor for Lori to continue to sign checks in order to pay bills on time.



Dave discussed security camera options for pool. Has researched extensively and found an affordable option with Arlo brand from Sam’s Club, roughly $350 for four cameras. He agrees to install them and connect to wifi. Recording hours and motion can be tailored to off-hours if we choose, also have motion activated spotlight. 3 mos free service, Dave will continue to research storage/subscription cost.

Dave motions to purchase, Paul seconds, motion approved.


No update

Architectural Review Committee:

Home with Christmas lights still on. Dave sent email with no response.

Lots of houses painted without approval, discussion of how to handle if color is not desirable.

Steve voices concern over specific home on 76th street, unsure if it was submitted for approval. Dave confirms that it was approved.

Vanessa requests that Dave share files of approved/denied requests so that they can be saved into Google Drive for reference in the future.


Pool phone number 816-214-5234

Garage sales went well

Playground project on hold, Ryan seeking estimates for pool deck repair.

Upcoming events:

Fourth of July parade – Lori is organizing

Bordner Pool event – July 17th, Dave agrees to DJ. They will organize all food, drinks, activities and expenses. Has been a successful event in the past.

Old Business:

Sidewalks/curbs still under construction. Steve believes most will be completed this year, some will be done next year.

New Business:



7:52 – Dave motion to adjourn, Jessie seconds


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