May 2020 Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2020
Virtual Meeting began at 7:09pm
Attendance includes: Jessie Hayles, Steve Chess, Vanessa King, Dave Reyburn, Lori Meadors, Joe Folsom, Paul Brooks, Patrisha Dobbins, Jackie Griffin
Approval of Minutes:
April minutes approved.
Administrator Report:
Outstanding dues $18,407.60
Still have 9 re-platted members to sign joinder – SWPOA to pay fees associated with filing
PO Box was paid up for the year
OK to pay insurance invoice
See financial report – checking and money market acct total $57,258.25
Given pandemic situation with county stay-at-home orders, all in favor for Lori to sign checks in order to pay bills on time
Unable to get city response regarding pool inspection, opening, restrictions
Will continue to attempt to contact them
Holes drilled and hooks installed
Discussion to continue to use Mike Pirne for lawns
Lorie proposes to hire a landscaping company, Vanessa suggested “Down to Earth” on LS road for bid
Architectural Review Committee:
Dave sent documents with proposed updates
ARC application not consistent with CC&R/By-Laws.
All agree we would like consistency and transparency, however there was discussion and some disagreement regarding a topics (ie: fence height, signage, sheds/outbuildings, dog runs etc) discussion to be continued…
Dave suggests Facebook poll for some neighbor input
Would like to give neighbors a chance to weigh in on what change they would like
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
Jackie to promote garage sale weekend for June 5-6th.
She will get banners and promote on social media
Old Business:
Steve brought up discussion about the volunteer mower along Little Blue to LS Rd, suggested waiving his dues. After lengthy discussion, board does not agree to do so. This is actually city responsibility, there could be potential liability.
New Business:
8:02 – Dave motion to adjourn, Jessie seconds