August 2018 Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2018
Meeting began at 7:01pm
Attendance includes: Vanessa King, Steve Chess, Doug McCrary, Don Roberts, Jessie Hayles, Paul Brooks, Sandy Landau, Crystal Page
Approval of Minutes:
Approved July minutes.
Administrator/Treasurer Report:
See financial report discussed
Clarify and update owner for lot 110. (Harold Gibbs/Amber Armanees)
Clarify lien vs foreclosure on lot 117 – owe $1440, hoping for full collection
Lori had previously proposed roles of board positions to be reviewed and discussed.
Jessie and Andy Crocker have been trained on programming of new magnetic lock system. All cards are assigned, programmed and ready for distribution when the time comes. Install can be done anytime. Paul motion to install after pool closes, Doug seconds and will coordinate dates.
Will discuss installing cameras next year before pool opening. ~ $6000 for six cameras.
Pool repairs needed – Elite bid itemized by individual jobs.
Replace all blue tile: ~ $6400
Replace all baby pool tile: ~ $1728
Replace all caulking: ~ $1700/459 (big/baby pool)
Drain repair: ~ $
Total cost of pool maintenance ~ $20,047
Doug recommends hold off until after winter and re-evaluate. Temporarily patch if we can. Doug motions to approve tile replacement and caulking in both pools this season. Paul seconds, Approved.
Paul motions to autopay Spectrum phone/internet bill as we have fallen behind. Don seconds, Approved.
No updates.
Architectural Review Committee:
7728 Breckenridge – issue resolved
7732 Breckenridge – issue resolved
Lot 1 – Has not repaired roof/wood rot as planned on June 1st reminder sent.
Pool phone number 816-214-5234
No updates or activities planned.
Old Business:
Secretary of State – Multiple failed attempts at contacting accountant. Discussed other options to get taxes filed ASAP. No status update at this time.
End of year planning:
September meeting – discuss topics to include in annual meeting letter
October – send out annual meeting notice
November – annual meeting on November 13, 2018
8:20 motion to adjourn made by Paul seconded by Sandy