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February 2018 Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2018


Meeting began at 7:03pm

Attendance includes: Sandy Landau, Paul Brooks, Doug McCrary, Jessie Hayles, Don Roberts, Vanessa King, Steve Chess

Approval of Minutes:

Paul motions to approve, Doug seconds

Administrator/Treasurer Report:

Financial report discussed, see financial report as of January 31st, 2018

● Still $28,590 in outstanding dues to be collected

● Discussed timeline to place lien on homes over 3 years delinquent

● Discussed enforcing late fees to avoid a surge of payments in May

Julia (CPA) has filed taxes from 2012-2016, charged $125 fee to file


Doug to purchase new loungers

Discussed computer situation - current computer is outdated, but contains the cumbersome software we are currently using for pool key activation. Paul suggested exploring other options for pool lock.


Sandy requested formal bid from Green Acres to continue to use them for mowing/landscaping.

Architectural Review Committee:

No updates


Still looking for someone to plan and organize social activities. Would also like to form a welcoming committee to approach new neighbors and inform them of website, and where to find by-laws and restrictions.

Everyone is updated and added to forwarded email list from website.

GoogleFiber wifi at the pool is a possibility at $70/mo, but unable to find an acceptable landline option that is consistent with city codes. May have to continue with AT&T.


Motion to adjourn by Paul at 7:57, second by Doug.

To Do:

● Paul and Doug to discuss pool magnet/key options

● Still need Treasurer, Board Member and social committee chair

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