March 2018 Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2018
Meeting began at 7:03pm
Attendance includes: Sandy Landau, Paul Brooks, Jessie Hayles, Don Roberts, Vanessa King, Steve Chess
Guests: Michael and Rayna Shaw, Crystal Page
For the sake and courtesy of their time, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw’s concern was addressed first. SWPOA records indicate that their property (15824 E. 76th Street KCMO, LOT #96) is several years delinquent in paying annual dues, and thus notification was sent to them. According to their records, they report having signed a joinder document in 2012, and shortly later was determined to have incorrect information on it. When approached to re-sign a corrected document, they deny signing the updated joinder. However, Jackson County records has a signed copy of a joinder document from 2012 that was notarized by Thomas Degenhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw state this is not the document they signed and that it appears the pages may have been mismatched for filing purposes. They state that Tom Degenhardt was not present at the time they signed the original, incorrect joinder document.
Jackson County records show that a lien was filed against their property on 12/27/2012, but dates on filed paperwork are inconsistent.
Plan agreed upon by the board: Will attempt contact Thomas Degenhardt to see if he has notary records of proof whether he was present for the original signature from 2012. If he is unable to provide this information, then SWPOA will not hold the Shaw’s accountable for the $2,000 in delinquent dues. They agree to sign a correct joinder, if necessary. Don agrees to contact Tom Degenhardt.
Approval of Minutes:
Paul motions to approve, Don seconds
Administrator/Treasurer Report:
Vanessa scanned several years’ worth of meeting minutes, will email to group. Jessie to upload onto website.
Vanessa to look into insurance policies to find out specific coverage.
As of February 28th, 2018
Presented at Meeting date 03/13/18
Money Market Account- $23,104.30
Checking Account- $36,938.16
Total $60,042.46
Elite bid for painting step in pool $1,196.21. Paul motioned to approve Elite bid, Sandy seconds.
Discussion to replace/repair fiberglass drain strip on pool deck also.
Paul has consulted with someone regarding pool lock, we do not have electricity wired to pool gate, therefore a new system may not be an option. They will look into existing software to see if anything can be simplified. More to come…
No updates
Architectural Review Committee:
No updates
Welcome letter drafted to share with new neighbors and inform them of website, and where to find by-laws and restrictions etc.
Newsletter sent out by Jessie.
Spectrum wifi ($45/mo) and phone service ($30/mo) an option. There is a $100 activation fee, but no contract or disconnect fee. Will proceed with installation.
Crystal Page in attendance and interested in helping with SWPOA duties. She is interested in learning more about Secretary position and/or helping with social events. She agrees to organize the Easter Egg Hunt for March 31.
Old Business:
No updates from Secretary of State. Doug to contact attorneys to get status. Would like to place liens on all properties that are >3yrs delinquent in dues.
Motion to adjourn by Paul at 8:08, second by Don.
Financial Report
As of March 31st 2018
Presented at Meeting date 04/10/18
Money Market Account- $23,072.34
Checking Account- $36,804.83
Total $59,877.17
Check Written at board meeting