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October 2017 Meeting Minutes

Summit Wood Property Owners Association

Meeting Minutes October 10, 2017

Opening: The meeting began at 7:04 PM Board Members Present: Robert Rives, Doug McCrary, Vanessa King, Sandy Landau, Don Roberts, Steve Chess Guest: Bob Stephens, 16011 E 78 th Street Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting were approved. Doug made a motion to approve, and it was seconded by Steve. Treasurer Report: Vanessa reported these balances Money Market Account $24,785.71 Checking Account $26,813.24 Pool: Elite invoice for $1348.13 to close the pool. Recommended the pool bathrooms be cleaned/updated and the men’s mirror be replaced. Some sort of deadbolt for the bathroom doors to winterize. The PVC around the pool decking will need replacement and the fence replacement will be handled. Elite needed $150 more than budgeted. Motion made to approve by Doug and was seconded by Steve. There is a need to power wash the rocks / steps up to the side of the pool area, and check out some type of new door locking system, as ours is very outdated. Old Business: Fence: The fence is being replaced hopefully the 2 nd week of November. Landscaping: Steve is coordinating time to winterize irrigation system. ARC:

Mr. Stephens spoke to the board regarding his exterior paint change. His out of pocket cost was $372.08. After discussion, Doug made a motion to approve, and it was seconded by Robert to reimburse Mr. Stephens for $372.08. Website: The new website, Summit Wood POA looks great. We need to contact Leah to see what not all the board members are receiving the email notices when they are submitted. Secretary of State: Doug stated he has learned it is mandatory to have the last five years of taxes completed. CPS’s Brian Lindt and Julie Hampton were asked for pricing to do this work. Ms. Hampton was much more reasonable, at a cost of $100 for each year, with the total cost being $500. New Business: Discussion was held to place on the agenda to raise the HOA fee’s to $225 a year. Next Meeting – November 14, 2017 The meeting concluded at 8:12 PM

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