July 2017 Meeting Minutes
Summit Wood Property Owners Association, Inc.
Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2017
SWPOA meeting was called to order at 7:05pm on Tuesday 6/13/2017, at TMC Lakewood Campus in the 1st floor community room.
Board Members Present:
Attendance - Robert Rives, Sandy Landau, Vanessa Dale, Paul Brooks, Jessie Hayles, Doug McCrary, Don Roberts. Guest: Ronda Lascuola
Approval of Minutes:
May Meeting minutes approved by Paul Brooks, motion; Doug, second
Board Updates:
Mel has resigned, effective 4/26/2017. Robert sent his regards and thanked her for her efforts.
Harold Nagel has resigned.
Treasurer Report:
Checking balance as of
Savings Balance as of
Vanessa still has a few details to modify, but it’s getting better. QuickBooks report will break down bills into categories of Utilities, water, phone etc. Most recent AT&T bill for $145 (which include a $75/activation fee). Explore Google Fiber for phone/wife for pool area. Jessie will look into pricing for “business line”. All other pool opening expenses consistent with previous years. Two new umbrellas purchased, damaged from gusty winds.
Total outstanding balances from dues owed to SWPOA: $24062
New debit card has been received and activated. Discussion on how to track and use, suggested that one single person should use to prevent loss of card.
Owner of Lot 142 states he has mowed and invested time in maintenance of retention pond, requesting a discount from annual dues. Board declines to offer discount.
City/Health Dept issue upon opening inspection: Inspector states front step needs contrasting colors/tiles to mark edge of ledge/step. Inspector agreed to approve opening for 30 days. Doug contacted the city and received OK for this season. Could be a potential expense for next year as regulation is up for interpretation.
Had some adolescents with behavior problems (attitude, music, language etc) at the pool early on, this has resolved and no more issues noted. We have not noticed any glass in the pool trash, which is great!!
Doug requesting to purchase bike rack with new debit card. Has been previously approved by vote, not to exceed $420.
Lights inside pool seem to be successful at deterring vandalism. However the lights are turned on my circuit breaker, which Doug believes could be dangerous as a long-term use. Consider having an electrician set it on a timer? Will research options.
Doug working on capital expense plan for future repairs of pool properties (ie: parking lot maintenance, roof of pool house etc). Original cost of pool roughly $124,000 in 2007.
Sandy contacted insurance company and spoke with “Janet” who says $1000 deductible. Discussion whether to file claim to get fence replaced. Sandy confirms by storm tracking that we were in damage area. Paul motions to file a claim, Vanessa seconds motion.
Robert suggests to adjust sprinkler times for 7am rather than 5am.
Ronda Lascuola and Samantha Compton have agreed to help as committee members. PPG Paint Company has offered a list of body and trim colors, they agree to put it in a book format for us to keep and offer a 25% discount for SW residents who purchase paint from them.
Home on 76th submitted one color palette for approval, but painted an entirely different color than was approved. 16104 E. 76th St. Board does not approve the color painted, Don agrees to contact resident and work with PPG to see if we can offer improvement with minimal cost.
Will plan pool party with Sandy as DJ service, coordinate with Allie for ice cream social at the pool.
Website host has been purchased, Leah is actively trying to get information to access original account. She has worked with Dean Allen to get this access without success. Leah is contacting the website company directly to see if information can be re-set. Otherwise ready to go live.
Secretary of State:
Attorneys filling out information, working on re-instatement. They say this is a common issue, but unknown how complex until we start the process.
New Business:
No new business.
Next meeting July 13, 2017
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm
Follow up task list:
Find properties with liens and date of placement
Google Fiber for Pool
$10 construction/activation fee
$10/mo. Phone + $50/mo internet (only available as bundle package)
Total $60/month with NO contract. Can call to pause service during off-season and call to re-activate. IF there is a re-activation fee, it would only be $10.
AT&T currently ~$80/mo. With $75 reactivation fee every year.
***Google can only locate property with 7721 Dove Ave address. They suggest calling in January/February to get everything hooked up so we are ready to activate in May.
Electrician for pool house/lights
Elite to recommend someone
Fence – insurance claim
Change Sprinkler times at monuments
To update current domain $75/year or $309 for 5 years. New company (Network Solutions) would charge $34/year or $115 for 5 yrs. IF we decide to change addresses from swpoa.com to summitwoodpoa.com (if available), can get it for $41.85 for 5 years. This covers the “rental” cost to use the site addresses. The money previously approved was for WIX (the website design) and is already purchased. ***Leah will try to make the July meeting to further explain and answer any questions.
Sent – hyperlinks not usable with PDF format.
Update email address list
In progress…
4th of July Parade
Michelle Lee and Kerri McCoart – looks like they did a great job!!